cosmopolitan saxony for democracy and tolerance

"Education - without - outlaying. Energetic against rasism and discrimination."

"Ausbildung - ohne - Ausgrenzung. Aktiv gegen Rassismus und Diskriminierung."

- is the name of a project in line with the promotion guidelines of „Weltoffenes Sachsen für Demokratie und Toleranz“ (cosmopolitan saxony for democracy and tolerance) assisted by equity capital of the foundation "Zukunft durch Bildung".

The goal with this project ist to argue with all kinds of discrimination. As foundation, giving top priority to promotion of occupational education, young people shifting to gainful employment are our main target group. Socially and structurally disadvantaged adolescent and by rising numbers youths with migrational background, who are affected by different characteristics of discrimination, belong to this group. On the other side we also recognise prejudices and tendencies to exclusion of people noticed as "foreign" and "different" and latent or open expressed discriminational and rasist attitude up to sympathy with neo-Nazi ideology.

Examinating with those themes is included in different activities like workshops for new apprentices, thematic discussions, excursions, movie-nights etc, to reach as many youths as possible. 

Sensitizing the youth to recognise rasist or discrimiminational situations under guidance of their coordinators is the goal to reach within the training at Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden mbH (SBG). They should find out possibilities of their own behavior to act courageously.

This project is based on the youth initative "open eyes" founded at SBG in 2007. The title "School without rasism . School with courage" is fundamentally included. 

The "Verein zur Förderung gemeinnütziger Bildungs- und Beschäftigungsmaßnahmen Dresden e. V" and the foundation later on were supported by „Weltoffenes Sachsen für Demokratie und Toleranz“ from 2009 - 2015.

gefördert im Rahmen des Landesprogramms "Weltoffenes Sachsen für Demokratie und Toleranz" des Sächsischen Staatsministerium des Innern

Gesellschafter der Sächsischen Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden mbH