As accredited foundation of civil law we are conscious, that the future development of our country mainly depends on the quality of education and the resulting employment opportunities.
Our main goal is to encourage the basic, further and advanced taining in natural scientific, environmental, industrial, commercial and service occupation. Crafter and qualification for Crafter are essential for creating a foward-looking working environment. Education focused on functional as well as personal competence will assure the entrance in employment. The attendance for continuous training is essential for the preservation of employment.
Base for our non-profit work is especially the support of the "Sächsischen Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden mbH" as well as other tax-advantaged statutory corperations by donations and other grants, allocation of properties, facilities and tangible assets for a part- or non-fee. Beyond that we support the collaboration of companies, institutions, organisations and facilities for encouragement of occupational and promotional projects.